During this weekend (30.9.2022 - 2.10.2022) our members Eva Poljanšek, Domen Kulovec and Luka Petravić have attended a SZAIM congress in Ljubljana.
Our poster with team members attending the congress; L-R: Domen Kulovec, Eva Poljanšek and Luka Petravić
We were fortunate enough to get accepted. We strongly believe in our cause of bringing an OHCA registry to Slovenia. It is very important to let the professionals of the fields related to it know that this initiative exists and gather. As a patient passes through a lot of hands in his clinical path, we want to address them all. Anaesthesiology certainly is one of the important specialties in this care.
We held one of the presentation with the highest number of listeners, which is humbling and also brings us big hopes for SiOHCA becoming a standard in Slovenian healthcare.
Our poster can be accessed through our bibliography entry bellow. Our goal is to make everything we do open-access and easily accessible, bringing FAIR principles and open science to the forefront of our endeavour.
We would like to thank everyone who made this congress a reality for us. Especially doctor Silva Ostojić Kapš who took care of all the logistics required for us to present our poster and doctor Marko Zdravković who was the lead organiser. We were impressed with the workshops which brought us new practical knowledge, the keynotes which were very interesting and gave us new insight and lastly the food, which was amazing! Thanks to Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor who financed our poster. Food was really good