EMS2022 Glasgow (day 2)󠁴󠁿

Today was the first day of the EMS 2022 congress and the second day of our visit to Scotland. Read more about our day 1.

Luka and Rok On the picture you can see Luka and Rok in front of the EMS 2022 congress banner.

The keynotes

Today we were able to attend some wonderful keynotes where we got a lot of fresh knowledge about emergency medicine. In addition to that, we were inspired by talks about leadership, especially during the pandemic and the situation in Ukraine. We feel honoured to be able to learn from the world's leading professionals, out of which we would like to point out professor Douglas Chamberlain read more about him in our post from yesterday.

I really enjoyed the keynote that was held by Jason Leitch, who is the National Clinical Director of the Scottish Government. He talked about what it takes to be a good leader and what are the key aspects of good leaderhip. It is important to (1) understand the problems you face, (2) own the task and lead your team to the solution, and lastly (3) breathe. This really resonated with me as I want to lead our SiOHCA student team to success. ~ Luka Petravić

The neonatal resuscitation workshop

Luka went ahead and participated in the neonatal resucitation workshop. What strook him the most was the similratiy of the workshop to the recent clinical practice he had in his home faculty of Maribor as a part of OB-GYN.

We were learning the same procedures, it is wonderful to see that standardisation and free movement of information enables for the patients to recieve the same level of care all around the world. ~ Luka Petravić

picture from the workshop


We spent a significant amount of time at the exhibition hall. We found it interesting to see all the cutting edge technology used in healthcare across the world. We were especially excited to learn more about how communication in healthcare can be streamlined using the Pulsara IT solution which helps reduce the turnaround time for 30 %.

It was also really interesting to see a new way of CPR ventilation, where they use oxygen to fill the lungs to improve heart compressions.


We're thankful to the team working on the Careeuro registry. We spent quite some time hanging out at their booth and we think we've had some productive conversations that will help us lead our SiOHCA registry in the right direction. We hope to strike a common ground and make our registry compliant with theirs and we are looking forward to future collaboration opportunities.

Picture with the their team On the picture there are Sanne, Mette, Rok and Luka.

Gift for Ann

Medical University of Maribor was kind enough to provide gifts for a few people that are helping us the most and have enabled us to attend the EMS2022. Ann Doll has made sure with her kindness and support that we know we can count on her for everything related to the EMS2022, GRA and so much more.

Gift for Ann

Team SiOHCA 🫀