SiOHCA at Arnes’ Mreža znanja 2022 conference 🎤

One of SiOHCA's main values is forging new contacts and exchanging information. One of the finest methods to get insightful input on our work and enhance our product is at conferences. We delivered a presentation this week at Arnes' Mreža znanja 2022 IT conference.

Mreža znanja 2022

The talks regarding high performance computing (HPC), privacy, and open research were the most inspiring to us. We are looking forward to incorporating fresh ideas into our product in order to make it more secure and robust. We were impressed by Slovenia's HPC capabilities and look forward to finding ways to put them to use as our database continues to grow.


Rok Miklič spoke about our project, focusing on the IT-related innovations we've implemented in our software and the Arnes' technology we're leveraging. In addition to the robust security and adaptability, our open-source base drew the greatest attention and interest. Click here to listen to the speech (in Slovenian) or here to access the slideshow presentation in PDF.


We want to express our appreciation to Arnes for organising such an important conference. We feel the event was a fantastic example of how new knowledge should be shared.

Finally, we'd like to thank them for the delicious desserts and main meals given throughout the breaks. Those were quite helpful in getting us through the conference!
